Earl the Bard is now on Patreon

It’s finally happened! I’ve finished my Patreon page!

It took me much longer to get it up and running than I was hoping it would, but it looks even better than I would have imagined. So I guess everything works out.


If you aren’t familiar with Patreon, it’s kind of like Kickstarter, but on a recurring basis. Instead of donating one large sum once for a big project, Patreon is a way for fans to donate a little to an artist on a monthly basis to offer continued support to allow them better flexibility in being able to afford to create the content you love! As a reward for your support, artists can offer bonus content as a thank you.


So now you, too, can support my art through Patreon and receive mp3 downloads, bonus content, or even a postcard in the mail just for you! You can see all the rewards in detail right on my page!

Just click over to http://www.patreon.com/earlthebard to check it out!



Earl the Bard

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